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Life size: Videoconferencia (página 2)

Enviado por Arturo Mendoza

Partes: 1, 2

What are the LifeSize Room 200 high definition
conferencing equipment features?

The LifeSize Room 200 high definition video
conferencing equipment features are:

1.    The LifeSize Room 200
high definition video conferencing
equipment is able to
deliver the best video conferencing quality and the best
video, audio and presentation quality on a video

2.    The LifeSize Room 200
high definition video conferencing
equipment delivers the
highest video quality, high definition video, 1080p, 1920 x 1080
pixels, at 30 fps, for the highest available resolution using
less than 2 Mbps, just 1.7 Mbps, over internet.

3.    The LifeSize Room 200
high definition video conferencing
equipment delivers the
highest video quality, high definition video 720p, 1280 x 720
pixels, at 60 fps, for the best motion handling with lower
latency using just 1.1 Mbps, over internet.

4.    The LifeSize Room 200
high definition video conferencing
equipment delivers the
highest video quality, high definition video 720p, 1280 x 720
pixels, at 30 fps, using just 768 Kbps, over internet.

5.    The LifeSize Room 200
high definition video conferencing
equipment delivers the
highest audio quality, 100 Hz up to 16 KHz, high definition
audio, using MPEGG4-AAC-LC with echo cancellation for echo free
calls, automatic gain control and
automatic noise reduction for full duplex natural

6.    The LifeSize Room 200
high definition video conferencing
equipment delivers the
highest presentation quality, high definition presentation, 720p,
1280 x 720 pixels, at 5 fps when the high definition video is
1080p at 30 fps at 1.7 Mbps or is 720p at 60 fps at 1.1 Mbps.

7.    The LifeSize Room 200
high definition video conferencing
equipment delivers the
highest presentation quality, high definition presentation, 720p,
1280 x 720 pixels, at 30 fps when the high definition
video is 720p at 30 fps at 768 Kbps.

8.    The LifeSize Room 200
high definition video conferencing
equipment delivers an
embedded 6 way high definition video conferencing
continuous presence multipoint conference unit  (MCU) with 4
visible participants with transcoding.

9.    The LifeSize Room 200
high definition video conferencing
equipment offers single or
dual monitors.

How much bandwidth does the LifeSize Room 200
high definition video conferencing equipment use?

The LifeSize Room 200 high definition video
conferencing equipment delivers the best video conferencing
quality and the best video, audio and presentation quality at any
bandwidth available, from 128 Kbps to 1.7 Mbps.

The LifeSize Room 200 high definition video
equipment delivers the follow video conferencing
quality over internet:

1.    High Definition 1080p, 1920
x 1080 pixels, at 30 fps, for the highest available resolution
using less than 2 Mbps, just 1.7 Mbps.

2.    High Definition 720p, 1280 x
720 pixels, at 60 fps, for the best motion handling with lower
latency using just 1.1 Mbps.

1.    High Definition 720p, 1280 x
720 pixels, at 30 fps, using just 768 Kbps.

2.    DVD
Resolution, 848 x 480 pixels, at 30 fps, using just 512 Kbps.

3.    Cable TV, 768 x 432 pixels,
at 30 fps, using just 384 Kbps.

4.    Widescreen FCIF, 400 x 244
pixels, at 30 fps, using just 128 Kbps.

The follow table shows the video conferencing
quality the LifeSize Room 200 high definition video
delivers over internet:

You obtain the above video conferencing quality
on a point to point or multipoint to point video conferencing
when at each point you have a LifeSize Room 200 high
definition video conferencing
equipment and you connect each
other at the bandwidth described.

Actual video conferencing quality depends
on the capabilities of the remote video conferencing
equipment and is impacted by the quality of the bandwidth

What do you think? Does the LifeSize Room 200
high definition video conferencing
equipment deliver the best
video conferencing quality and the best video, audio and
presentation quality at any bandwidth available?

What are the differences between the LifeSize
Room and the LifeSize Room 200 high definition video conferencing

The major difference between the LifeSize Room
and the LifeSize Room 200 high definition video conferencing
equipment is the video conferencing quality and the video, audio
and presentation quality at any bandwidth available, from 128
Kbps to 1.7 Mbps.

I. The LifeSize Room high definition video
conferencing equipment delivers the follow video
quality over internet:1.   
High Definition 720p, 1280 x 720 pixels, at 30 fps, using
just 1.0 Mbps.2.    2 x DVD Resolution, 1088 x 608
pixels, at 30 fps, using just 768 Kbps.3.    DVD
Resolution, 848 x 480 pixels, at 30 fps, using just 512
Kbps.4.    Cable TV, 768 x 432 pixels, at 30 fps,
using just 384 Kbps.5.    Widescreen FCIF, 400 x
244 pixels, at 30 fps, using just 128 Kbps.The follow table shows
the video conferencing quality the LifeSize Room
high definition video conferencing delivers over

You obtain the above video conferencing
quality on a point to point or multipoint to point video
conferencing when at each point you have a LifeSize
high definition video conferencing equipment and you
connect each other at the bandwidth described.Actual video
quality depends on the capabilities of the
remote video conferencing equipment and is impacted by the
quality of the bandwidth available.II. The LifeSize Room 200
high definition video conferencing
equipment delivers the
follow video conferencing quality over
internet:1.    High Definition 1080p, 1920
x 1080 pixels, at 30 fps, for the highest available resolution
using less than 2 Mbps, just 1.7 Mbps.2.   
High Definition 720p, 1280 x 720 pixels, at 60 fps, for
the best motion handling with lower latency using just 1.1
Mbps.3.    High Definition 720p, 1280 x 720
pixels, at 30 fps, using just 768 Kbps.4.    DVD
Resolution, 848 x 480 pixels, at 30 fps, using just 512
Kbps.5.    Cable TV, 768 x 432 pixels, at 30 fps,
using just 384 Kbps.6.    Widescreen FCIF, 400 x
244 pixels, at 30 fps, using just 128 Kbps.The follow table shows
the video conferencing quality the LifeSize Room 200 high
definition video conferencing
delivers over internet:

You obtain the above video conferencing
quality on a point to point or multipoint to point video
when at each point you have a LifeSize Room
200 high definition video conferencing
equipment and you
connect each other at the bandwidth described.Actual video
quality depends on the capabilities of the
remote video conferencing equipment and is impacted by the
quality of the bandwidth available.

 What high definition video
equipment do you like most, the LifeSize
or the LifeSize Room 200?





Arturo Mendoza Larios.

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